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Published by Universitas Pakuan
ISSN : 23020296     EISSN : 26143313     DOI : 10.33751/jmp
Core Subject : Education,
This journal publishes research articles results and conceptual studies in field of educational management and educational administration. Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan publishes research studies employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in the field of educational management and educational administration.
Articles 9 Documents
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Peningkatan Inovasi Guru Melalui Penguatan Kepemimpinan Situasional Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Ujang Parah Nugraha; Widodo Sunaryo; Hari Muharam
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9130


IMPROVING TEACHER INNOVATION THROUGH STRENGTHENING SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATIONThis study aims to determine the strength of the relationship between Situational Leadership and Teacher Innovation, the strength of the relationship between Achievement Motivation and Teacher Innovation, and the strength of the relationship between Situational Leadership and Achievement Motivation together with Teacher Innovation. This research was carried out in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Se Region I Cianjur Regency which involved 124 Madrasah Teachers. The research method used in this research is the correlational method which is part of the type of quantitative descriptive research. The submission of the hypothesis uses parametric statistical analysis in the form of simple and multiple linear regression analysis, the analysis uses a significance level of a = 0.01 and a = 0.05. There is a very significant positive relationship with a very strong relationship strength between the Situational Leadership variable (X1) and Teacher Innovation (Y) which is indicated by linear regression = 24.16+ 0.80X1. The correlation coefficient (ry1) is 0.848 and the determination coefficient (Ry12) is 0.719. There is a very significant positive relationship with a very strong relationship strength between the variable Achievement Motivation (X2) and Teacher Innovation (Y) which is indicated by the linear regression equation = 29.99 + 0.76X2. The correlation coefficient (ry2) is 0.858 and the determination coefficient (Ry22) is 0.736. There is a very significant positive with a very strong relationship strength between Situational Leadership and Achievement Motivation variables together with Teacher Innovation as indicated by the linear regression equation = 24.01 +0.34X1 +0.46X2. The value of the correlation coefficient (ry.12) is 0.967 and the coefficient of determination (Ry.12) is 0.936. Based on the results of the study, it was stated that the Innovation of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers in Region I Cianjur Regency could be improved by strengthening Situational Leadership and Achievement Motivation. 
Peningkatan Efektivitas Pembelajaran Melalui Kepemimpinan Instruksional Dan Budaya Sekolah Aprian Rinaldi; Eri Sarimanah; Henny Suharyati
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9104


INCREASED LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP AND SCHOOL CULTUREThis study aims to find efforts to improve learning effectiveness through the study of the relationship between instructional leadership and school culture. This study used quantitative research methods with correlational techniques. This research was carried out on permanent foundation teachers at Private Vocational Schools located in Caringin District, Cigombong, Cijeruk, Bogor Regency totaling 26 schools. Sampling using the proportional random sampling technique amounted to 135 from 203 populations. Hypothesis testing was performed at a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that: 1) there was a very significant positive relationship between instructional leadership and learning effectiveness, with a correlation coefficient score ry1 = 0.414; 2) there is a very significant positive relationship between school culture and learning effectiveness because a large correlation coefficient score ry2 = 0.286 was obtained; and (3) there was a very significant positive relationship between instructional leadership and school culture together with learning effectiveness, correlation coefficient score ry12 = 0.451. Based on the results of the study the effectiveness of learning will increase if there are efforts to improve the principal's instructional leadership and school culture.
Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Samsudin Samsudin; Mestika Sekarwinahyu
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9098


THE EFFECT OF THE PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL ON COGNITIVE ABILITIES AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLSThis study aims to determine whether the Cooperative learning model of the Think Pair Share type can increase the activity and learning achievement of students in the mathematics subject of calculating the volume of triangular prisms and circular tubes in Class VI B SD Negeri Kertamaya, South Bogor District, Bogor City Semester 1 of the 2018 Academic Year/ 2019. To define the process of increasing activity and learning achievement of students in Mathematics about calculating the volume of triangular prisms and circular tubes after applying the Type Think Pair Share Cooperative learning model in Class VI B SD Negeri Kertamaya, South Bogor District, Bogor City Semester 1 of the 2018/2019 Academic Year. To measure the magnitude of the increase in activity and learning achievement of students in mathematics lessons about calculating the volume of triangular prisms and circular tubes after using the Cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share in Class VI B SD Negeri Kertamaya, South Bogor District, Bogor City Semester 1 of the 2018/2019 Academic Year. The results of this study indicate that using the Cooperative learning model of the Think Pair Share type can be a fun variation of learning for students so it is proven to increase the activity and learning achievement of students in Class VI B SD Negeri Kertamaya, South Bogor District, Bogor City. Before using the Cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share activities and learning achievement of students only reached an average value of 64.50 then there was an increase after using the Cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share to 73.25 in cycle 1 and 81.37 in cycle 2 From the description above, the researcher concludes that the use of the Cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share is fun so that there is an increase in the activity and learning achievement of students. Therefore the researchers suggest that the use of the Cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share is disseminated and used as an alternative in learning mathematics in schools within the Bogor City Education Office.
Manajemen Sarana Dan Prasarana: Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Administrasi Sekolah Helmi Syaputra; Irawati Irawati; Rini Setyaningsih
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9133


FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT: STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF THE QUALITY OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESFacilities and infrastructure management is the management and supervision of facilities and infrastructure in schools. With good management of facilities and infrastructure, the facilities and infrastructure in schools can contribute more optimally to the quality of services in schools. The successful quality of administrative services in schools is supported and influenced by the utilization of all educational facilities and infrastructure in schools effectively and efficiently. This research aims to find out how much influence students' perceptions of the management of facilities and infrastructure have on the quality of service at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang and also see factors that can influence these two variables. This research is a quantitative research using simple linear regression analysis research techniques which examines the influence of students' perceptions of facilities and infrastructure management (X) on the quality of administrative services (Y) at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang. This research aims to see how much influence students' perceptions of facilities and infrastructure management have on the quality of service at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang. The population in this study was 300 people, namely students, taking a sample of 30% of the population, namely 90 people. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling using analysis assistance from the SPSS Statistics 23 application. The results of the research show that there is a significant influence between students' perceptions of facilities and infrastructure management on the quality of service at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang with a significance level of 5%, namely 0, 2681 (0.779 0.2681). And the calculation result of the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.607. The calculation result of the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 60.7%. Meanwhile, the remaining 39.3% (100%-60.7%) was influenced by other variables not included in this study. Schools are expected to always carry out ongoing evaluations to improve the quality of services at SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang.
Hubungan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar Yulianti Yulianti; Yuyun Elizabeth Patras; Rhini Fatmasari
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9100


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION ON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER PERFORMANCEThis study aims to: 1) Determine the relationship between the leadership of the school principal and the performance of teachers in Tapos District, Depok City. 2) Knowing the relationship between achievement motivation and teacher performance in Tapos District, Depok City. 3) Knowing the relationship between the principal's leadership and achievement motivation together on teacher performance in Tapos District, Depok City. This research is a quantitative research type of correlation with the survey method. The data in this study were taken using a questionnaire. considering matters in sampling, the researchers took a sample that was used as a respondent by 20% of the total population, totaling 648 people. So the sample results with a total of 129.6 are rounded up to 130 people. The analysis technique used in testing the hypothesis is a simple linear regression analysis technique and multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that: 1) There is a significant influence between the Principal's leadership on teacher performance, indicated by a significant value probability or 0.001 0.05; 2) There is a significant influence between achievement motivation on teacher performance, indicated by a significant value probability or 0.000 0.05; 3) There is a significant influence between the Principal's leadership and achievement motivation simultaneously (together) on teacher performance, indicated by a significant value probability or 0.000 0.05. The simultaneous effect is 55.2% and the remaining 44.8% is influenced by other variables outside the regression equation or other variables not examined.
Analisis Penerapan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Di SDN 1 Imbanagara Raya Nunung Nurjanah; Syamsudin Syamsudin
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9132


ANALYSIS OF DEEP DIFFERENTIATE LEARNING APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATION OF INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING AT SDN 1 IMBANAGARA RAYAThe current mathematics curriculum is basically (in many countries) aligned with the expectations outlined in the United States of America National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards curriculum, which is a very influential organization of the mathematics education profession in the United States, which since the 1980s has called for a complete overhaul of the practice of learning mathematics in many countries, including in the United States itself, which among other things encourages the method of learning mathematics to shift from teacher-centered Learning to student-centered Learning and change students who previously are passive learners (passive learners) become students are active learners (active learners) NCTM (Council, 1989), (Ferini-Mundy Martin, 2000). Education is a way to change the fate of a lagging nation into a developed nation. A developed nation begins with advanced education. One way of Learning that is student-centered is to apply different Learning. Differentiated Learning is a form of effort in a series of Learning that pays attention to the needs of students in terms of learning readiness, student learning profiles, interests, and talents. The research design is a qualitative descriptive research design that is directed to analyze the application of differentiation learning by mathematics teachers. Who uses thematic Learning in their schools.
Dampak Keteladanan Dan Kompetensi Guru Bagi Motivasi Belajar Siswa Melalui Pendidikan Karakter Veni Rosari; Yuyun Elizabeth Patras; Tian Abdul Aziz
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9101


THE IMPACT OF TEACHER EXEMPLARINESS AND COMPETENCE ON STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION THROUGH CHARACTER EDUCATIONThis research aims to examine the impact of teacher exemplariness and competence on students' learning motivation through character education, with a focus on the implementation of the honesty canteen program at SDN Kawung Luwuk. In the National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM), character education is a primary concern to strengthen students' character. Teachers play an important role in setting a good example and designing engaging learning experiences. This research utilizes a descriptive qualitative approach and involves interviews and observations as data collection techniques. The research findings indicate that the implementation of the honesty canteen program at SDN Kawung Luwuk aligns with the school's vision and mission and successfully influences students' learning motivation. Competent teachers who exemplify good behavior play a crucial role in creating a positive learning environment. Students also demonstrate an improvement in their sense of responsibility and integrity. Additionally, the discipline applied in learning and the implementation of moral values through the honesty canteen program contribute to enhancing students' learning motivation. This research provides a better understanding of the importance of character education in shaping students' character and improving their learning motivation. The honesty canteen program at SDN Kawung Luwuk serves as a successful implementation example of character education, which is expected to inspire other schools to develop students' character and enhance their learning motivation.
Peningkatan Inovasi Guru Melalui Penguatan Kepemimpinan Situasional Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Guru Agustina Isworo Prihandini; Dian Wulandari; Rita Retnowati
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9131


STRENGTHENING ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND JOB SATISFACTION IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR (OCB)The purpose of this study is to empirically determine the Strengthening of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction in an Effort to Increase Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Private Vocational School Teachers in Citeureup District, Bogor Regency. The total research sample was 166 teachers who were randomly drawn using proportional random sampling techniques from 283 teachers from the population. The correlational descriptive method was used in this study using a quantitative approach. This study resulted in three conclusions: 1) The positive and significant relationship between Organizational Justice (X1) and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Y) is shown by a correlation coefficient of ry1 of 0.56 and Organizational Justice contributes 31% to the teacher's Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. 2) The positive and significant relationship between Job Satisfaction (X2) and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Y) is shown by a ry2 correlation coefficient of 0.812 and Job Satisfaction contributes 66% to the teacher's Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. 3) There is a positive relationship between Organizational Justice (X1) and Job Satisfaction (X2) together with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Y) which is shown by a correlation coefficient of 0.82 which together contributes 68% to Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Based on these findings, teacher OCB can be improved through organizational Justice and job satisfaction. From SITOREM's analysis of the 16 indicators studied, the results were obtained that there were 4 indicators that were maintained/developed, namely salary indicators, opportunities for self-development, superior attitudes, and performance appraisals. While there are 12 indicators that are priorities to improve.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Arias Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Ips Ditinjau Dari Keterampilan Sosial Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Rancakalong Kabupaten Sumedang Engkos Kosasih; Suroyo Suroyo; Suhartono Suhartono
JURNAL MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jmp.v11i2.9102


THE EFFECT OF THE ARIAS LEARNING MODEL ON IPS PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITY IN VIEW OF THE SOCIAL SKILLS OF 5TH-GRADE STUDENTS AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN RANCAKALONG DISTRICT, SUMEDANG REGENCYThis experimental research has a 2x2 factorial design. The design of this study aims to examine the effect of applying the ARIAS learning model on social skills and problem-solving abilities in terms of students' social skills. Respondents in this study involved 38 students in class V at Pasirbenteng II Elementary School and 38 students at Citungku Elementary School, which were later divided into a control group and an experimental group. Sampling for the experimental group and the control group was carried out by means of a sampling technique, namely random group sampling (Cluster Random Sampling). Based on the analysis of research data and discussion, it was found that students using the ARIAS learning model were better than the learning outcomes of students treated with conventional learning models on social skills problem-solving abilities in terms of social skills.

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